Thursday, January 19, 2012

Silver Lining

Yeah, so Hunted: The demon's forge is not a very good game at all.  The good news is that Duke Nukem forever is so skull fuckingly horrible that I can actually play Hunted and get some value out of it now.

Hunted is a dreary slog utterly devoid of charm and two of the worst, most hackneyed characters imaginable, but compared to the utter garbage that is Duke Nukem Forever, it's a godsend.

I still can't fathom how it came out THAT BAD.  Sure I expected it to be garbage, but not as bad as it is.  Between the tiny uninspired levels, the unbearable load times, the soul-less monotonous combat, dated last gen graphics, and dialogue that would've embarrassed me as an eight year old, I just couldn't bear to finish it, which says a lot because I finished Wall-E.

Hunted kind of reminds me of "Dark Sector", just not anywhere close to as fun with forced co-op jammed in, and godawful fantasy instead of generic sci fi.

Forced Co-op wasn't a good idea in resident evil 5 either....or army of two.  Granted in that last one the ridiculous co-op was its only selling point.

A better question would be why I'm playing any of this shit when I have a stack of legitimately great games sitting on my desk waiting to be finished.  Who fucking knows.

Also Dungeon Defenders is fucking rad.