My first post on a new internet connection. Well my first post in a long time. I've only had AT&T DSL running for a few hours now, but already I've noticed an amazing connection quality difference. Considering the bandwidth is technically much lower than my former Broadstripe connection I'm not even sure how that is possible. My only regret so far is not switching way back when Millenium first decided to change to Broadstripe and "upgrade" their systems. My connection has gotten worse and worse since that day. The icing on the cake is that by the time my promotional pricing is over, the savings over Broadstripe will pay for the modem cost a hundred times over. Well not really, but $65 with broadstripe versus $25 with AT&T is still $480 dollars in savings in that first promotional year, and then $240 every year after that when AT&T goes back up to the standard $45 for the elite dsl without phone service.
And despite what I've heard, the customer service is way better. Hell the fact that they didn't just drill a fucking hole into my wall to pipe in the cable line is a huge step in the right direction, but I had all my connection issues sorted out in 15 minutes over the phone, which is amazing. After dealing with Microsoft over the phone earlier in the year I expected the worst.
I say that the bandwidth is lower, but you can never really be sure with cable, I could range anywhere from 10-4 mb/s down 0.1-1 mb/s up over a day, with DSL it's a constant 5 down-0.7 up, and I sort of appreciate that.
But enough with the add campaign, I'm sorry about that. I'm just really happy to not only have an internet provider that doesn't blow chunks, but a cheaper provider to boot.
I'm trying to get myself back on track after some trying issues, will report more frequently in the future.
:::Edit 3/30/2015::: I can't believe I ever used 5mb dsl. I can barely stand the 16mb I have now!
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Windows performance index?
See, this is why WPI is kind of silly. If my computer could score a 5.5 out of 7.9 with two gigs of first generation DDR, something must be seriously wrong with the grading scale. I mean honestly, what could be worse that could actually run windows 7?
I'm a little surprised that my processor scored the worst honestly. I expected my ancient tiny hard drives would be the deal breaker.
Windows 7 is both awesome and bittersweet, it's beautiful and all but it marks the retirement of good old AzureShadow. I'll post the new one when I get it put together, and y'know, think of a name for it. hahaha.
Edit: Not bad

I'm a little surprised that my processor scored the worst honestly. I expected my ancient tiny hard drives would be the deal breaker.
Windows 7 is both awesome and bittersweet, it's beautiful and all but it marks the retirement of good old AzureShadow. I'll post the new one when I get it put together, and y'know, think of a name for it. hahaha.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Price hike for xbox live? A service which literally does nothing that isn't available for free everywhere else? No thanks. I think I'll start putting my money back into my computer instead.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Gotta love wikis. Nothing like two paragraphs that fucking contradict each other right next to one another.
That's the problem with opinions, generally they're STUPID. It's amazing how long tribal wars has been running, how simple it is, how much time is devoted to it, and how much money it makes, along with HOW LITTLE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE ABOUT IT.
For one, you should never ever ever have more offensive villages than defensive, but on the other hand, 3-1 is ridiculous overkill. 2-1 is fine.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fuck consumers!
So apparently I guess I'm a pirate now because I rent the vast majority of the games I play?
Rental is why I am a console gamer over a PC gamer for the most part. If rental wasn't an option I would most likely simply not be that much of a gamer. I can't drop $60 for a product I know literally nothing about.
What developers don't understand about the whole one use online code bullshit, is that buying a game used already comes with an implied penalty that is almost exactly the same. The longer a game ages, the fewer people continue to play it, with very few exceptions. A legitimately good game, like halo might have a claim to something like this, but that's where they take the smart route and sell map packs.
My mom used to say that you catch more flies with honey that with vinegar, and that's very true. Take something away from people, even something they don't really care about, and there's a huge backlash. Give people an incentive to buy new, and no one cares. Dragon age origins for instance, had a one use code with its new copies too, but for extra content, the first DLC as a matter of fact.
Isn't that WHY we pay money for xbox live anyways? To support multiplayer matchmaking? Actual gameplay is all hosted client side. I sure as hell don't pay $4 a month for goddamn major nelson.
Right now, it's just shitty sports games, no one REALLY cares that much, but it's a slippery slope. Digital distribution is an option on the PC because publishers already fucked over customers with DRM due to rampant piracy, and look where the gaming market on the PC has gone. It's basically dead now, most of the "games" that come out now are just tech demos for what the next generation of consoles will look like.
There's a reason the phantom was a joke, and when all the consoles become modified versions of it, I will go back to the super nintendo.
Rental is why I am a console gamer over a PC gamer for the most part. If rental wasn't an option I would most likely simply not be that much of a gamer. I can't drop $60 for a product I know literally nothing about.
What developers don't understand about the whole one use online code bullshit, is that buying a game used already comes with an implied penalty that is almost exactly the same. The longer a game ages, the fewer people continue to play it, with very few exceptions. A legitimately good game, like halo might have a claim to something like this, but that's where they take the smart route and sell map packs.
My mom used to say that you catch more flies with honey that with vinegar, and that's very true. Take something away from people, even something they don't really care about, and there's a huge backlash. Give people an incentive to buy new, and no one cares. Dragon age origins for instance, had a one use code with its new copies too, but for extra content, the first DLC as a matter of fact.
Isn't that WHY we pay money for xbox live anyways? To support multiplayer matchmaking? Actual gameplay is all hosted client side. I sure as hell don't pay $4 a month for goddamn major nelson.
Right now, it's just shitty sports games, no one REALLY cares that much, but it's a slippery slope. Digital distribution is an option on the PC because publishers already fucked over customers with DRM due to rampant piracy, and look where the gaming market on the PC has gone. It's basically dead now, most of the "games" that come out now are just tech demos for what the next generation of consoles will look like.
There's a reason the phantom was a joke, and when all the consoles become modified versions of it, I will go back to the super nintendo.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Not like they need my money.
So doom 2 comes out to xbox live recently, and I'm super stoked. I go to buy that shit the moment I find out, and since I've done this a thousand times before I figure it'll be super easy and I can get right to downloading right? WRONG.
Yes, the very same card that I have not only used multiple other places on the internet within the week, but across town within the day, Microsoft has some sort of problem taking. Never mind the fact that I've been a gold subscriber for over a year and purchased god knows how much shit from them.
So I call my bank, hoping they could sort it out, so I don't have to deal with Microsoft's worthless customer support, "Nope, problem is on their end, charges are coming through fine, they're just not coming through for any amount."
So I call the BARELY English speaking customer support and what answer do I get after a 20 minute run around and hold? USE ANOTHER CARD OR BUY A PREPAID POINTS CARD.
I guess if you dipshits have some sort of problem taking my money I can just fucking give it to someone else!
Yes, the very same card that I have not only used multiple other places on the internet within the week, but across town within the day, Microsoft has some sort of problem taking. Never mind the fact that I've been a gold subscriber for over a year and purchased god knows how much shit from them.
So I call my bank, hoping they could sort it out, so I don't have to deal with Microsoft's worthless customer support, "Nope, problem is on their end, charges are coming through fine, they're just not coming through for any amount."
So I call the BARELY English speaking customer support and what answer do I get after a 20 minute run around and hold? USE ANOTHER CARD OR BUY A PREPAID POINTS CARD.
I guess if you dipshits have some sort of problem taking my money I can just fucking give it to someone else!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
So close to perfection....don't burn your wings on the sun.
So I'm playing a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004 named "Out of Hell." Fantastic free mod, absolutely brick shitting.
I'm positively blown away by how much detail can be stuffed into a six year old engine, of course running such loving detail in such a dated engine causes performance to suffer exponentially, but I thought it was a pretty good trade off for slightly slower framerate.
Keyword being thought.
I was thoroughly enjoying myself, scared out of my mind, reading up on some of the most fascinating zombie mythos I've ever read within anything, let alone a game, when I come to the end of the third level exit and BAM
Normally I wouldn't have minded the jarring removal of my immersion, but when I loaded back up I found that the game hadn't saved prior to crash, as the author opted to remove mid level saves and checkpoints in favor of a between level save system.
Which while creating a much better atmosphere, if your game crashes between levels, that creates a pretty big fucking flaw.
I realize it was the work of just one guy, and amazingly well done at that, but that's still a pretty big fucking flaw. Sure these things take forever to make, but take a little longer and get it done right. If you're going to make an admittedly awesome atmosphere enhancing save restriction like this, it's best to have it save from within the game before any loading occurs, rather than in the middle of two states. Then just have the save file automatically skip to the next level when loading.
I loved what I played, but I wont be slogging through the 15 minute long level again anytime soon just to roll the dice and see whether the program will CTD instead of save. The CTD I can deal with, redoing the level from scratch? Not so much.
Edit: possibly a problem with multi-core support....did they have multicores in 2004? I doubt it....I'll try it out tomorrow night maybe.
I'm positively blown away by how much detail can be stuffed into a six year old engine, of course running such loving detail in such a dated engine causes performance to suffer exponentially, but I thought it was a pretty good trade off for slightly slower framerate.
Keyword being thought.
I was thoroughly enjoying myself, scared out of my mind, reading up on some of the most fascinating zombie mythos I've ever read within anything, let alone a game, when I come to the end of the third level exit and BAM
Normally I wouldn't have minded the jarring removal of my immersion, but when I loaded back up I found that the game hadn't saved prior to crash, as the author opted to remove mid level saves and checkpoints in favor of a between level save system.
Which while creating a much better atmosphere, if your game crashes between levels, that creates a pretty big fucking flaw.
I realize it was the work of just one guy, and amazingly well done at that, but that's still a pretty big fucking flaw. Sure these things take forever to make, but take a little longer and get it done right. If you're going to make an admittedly awesome atmosphere enhancing save restriction like this, it's best to have it save from within the game before any loading occurs, rather than in the middle of two states. Then just have the save file automatically skip to the next level when loading.
I loved what I played, but I wont be slogging through the 15 minute long level again anytime soon just to roll the dice and see whether the program will CTD instead of save. The CTD I can deal with, redoing the level from scratch? Not so much.
Edit: possibly a problem with multi-core support....did they have multicores in 2004? I doubt it....I'll try it out tomorrow night maybe.
Friday, April 16, 2010
When you make up almost 30% of character population, you're bound to attract idiots.
So I'm running UK right? Retardedly easy right? Yeah if your dps isn't fucking retarded. For some reason I ended up with a boomkin that thought that an eclipse proc was a good reason to make an additional un-necessary pull.
We get to the point at the stairs where you can walk around a bunch of mobs if you're not a stupid ass, so what does he do? pull that set of mobs after I've already engaged the next. Ret pally dies, no big deal. We res him and go on and I emote:
"Benison has a bad feeling about GnarTokes"
To which he replies:
"You fucking suck."
To which I reply: "Have fun assholes." After I pull three or four groups and lead them back to gnartokes. Group wipes, except for me of course, I'm smart enough to bubble and /leave group.
I make a character on his realm and tell him the following: "Enjoy the repair bill stupid ass. Next time let the tank make the pulls and keep your worthless dps mouth shut."
We get to the point at the stairs where you can walk around a bunch of mobs if you're not a stupid ass, so what does he do? pull that set of mobs after I've already engaged the next. Ret pally dies, no big deal. We res him and go on and I emote:
"Benison has a bad feeling about GnarTokes"
To which he replies:
"You fucking suck."
To which I reply: "Have fun assholes." After I pull three or four groups and lead them back to gnartokes. Group wipes, except for me of course, I'm smart enough to bubble and /leave group.
I make a character on his realm and tell him the following: "Enjoy the repair bill stupid ass. Next time let the tank make the pulls and keep your worthless dps mouth shut."

Sunday, April 04, 2010
Numbers aren't everything.
So I'm out in zul'drak trying to inch out the last sliver of exp between my lock and level 79 just flying around, and this upstart lock starts dotting me up from a distance, so I /lol at him and fly off. A few minutes later him and his death knight friend jump me and start laying in to me.
So I'm thinking ugh...really? For a second I actually stop and try to bubble hearth, 'cuz of spending so long on my paladin. Then I decide fuck it, I can at least kill one of them before I drop.
Much to my surprise, I ended up killing them both fairly effortlessly. The lock and his death knight pet.
And the best part? With the faction restriction on pvp servers lifted, I can roll an alliance toon just to taunt them! Absolutley made my night.

Morale of the story? If you're new to the game, don't fuck with someone who has been around since the server was 2 weeks old, back in vanilla content, he's liable to ruin your shit.
I hope they feel the sting of shame for some time to come.
So I'm thinking ugh...really? For a second I actually stop and try to bubble hearth, 'cuz of spending so long on my paladin. Then I decide fuck it, I can at least kill one of them before I drop.
Much to my surprise, I ended up killing them both fairly effortlessly. The lock and his death knight pet.
And the best part? With the faction restriction on pvp servers lifted, I can roll an alliance toon just to taunt them! Absolutley made my night.

Morale of the story? If you're new to the game, don't fuck with someone who has been around since the server was 2 weeks old, back in vanilla content, he's liable to ruin your shit.
I hope they feel the sting of shame for some time to come.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Does this sort of thing count as identity theft?
So after getting an email telling me it'll take 8 days for Blizzard to decide if they want to reactivate my account I get an email asking me to fill out a customer satisfaction survey. My response is as follows:
"Overall I'm just kind of pissed that it took blizzard not even hours to permanently disable my account without so much as a glance at my account history, and it's projected to take them 8 days to figure out if they want to reactivate it? Is that really a good way to treat a customer that had your service taken from him via a malicious 3rd party? The item restoration notwithstanding, would it be that much to unban the person? Doesn't it strike anyone as funny that a customer that has played for three+ years off and on would suddenly change his password and sell everything he took god knows how long to earn and promote some random goldfarmer? Not to mention if he changes his password back and then writes a GM ticket about getting hacked? Why couldn't I have gotten banned while I was being robbed?
I know the in game economy is important, but I would think you would have at least some consideration for real world economy and value your paying customers.
Nothing against the service rep though, he was great."
"Overall I'm just kind of pissed that it took blizzard not even hours to permanently disable my account without so much as a glance at my account history, and it's projected to take them 8 days to figure out if they want to reactivate it? Is that really a good way to treat a customer that had your service taken from him via a malicious 3rd party? The item restoration notwithstanding, would it be that much to unban the person? Doesn't it strike anyone as funny that a customer that has played for three+ years off and on would suddenly change his password and sell everything he took god knows how long to earn and promote some random goldfarmer? Not to mention if he changes his password back and then writes a GM ticket about getting hacked? Why couldn't I have gotten banned while I was being robbed?
I know the in game economy is important, but I would think you would have at least some consideration for real world economy and value your paying customers.
Nothing against the service rep though, he was great."
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Legendary Blizzard Customer support at work!
I wake up this morning to find an email in my inbox telling me my battlenet password had been changed. So I'm thinking "Aw sheeit" as I go ahead and change it back and log in.
Basically all my characters are naked and their money is gone, but as some consolation it looks like I interrupted them halfway because a few of my bags and items are still there. Oddly enough my paladin was actually floating beneath the main landmass of Dragonblight. How he got down there I have no idea.
So I'm a little sad, but I figure blizzard might be able to fix it, so I open up a ticket, but then a couple minutes later I get disconnected from the server with a notice that my account had been closed, and I get an email in my inbox moments later.
"Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy."
Fucking wonderful. Not so much as a question, a look through my account history...nothing...just an immediate ban ON AN ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION. I guess all the money and time I've given blizzard since warcraft 2 isn't enough for the goddamn benefit of the doubt.
Basically all my characters are naked and their money is gone, but as some consolation it looks like I interrupted them halfway because a few of my bags and items are still there. Oddly enough my paladin was actually floating beneath the main landmass of Dragonblight. How he got down there I have no idea.
So I'm a little sad, but I figure blizzard might be able to fix it, so I open up a ticket, but then a couple minutes later I get disconnected from the server with a notice that my account had been closed, and I get an email in my inbox moments later.
"Reason for Closure: Terms of Use Violation -- Exploitative Activity: Abuse of the Economy
This account was closed because one or more characters were identified exchanging, or contributing to the exchange of, in-game property (items or gold) for "real-world" currency. This exchange process negatively impacts the World of Warcraft game environment by detracting from the value of the in-game economy."
Fucking wonderful. Not so much as a question, a look through my account history...nothing...just an immediate ban ON AN ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION. I guess all the money and time I've given blizzard since warcraft 2 isn't enough for the goddamn benefit of the doubt.
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